Today's experience

Today I learnt some information about Matrix. Then I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching, the question was Strategies for improving student engagement in learning. So I share information about that,you have probably heard that teachers are the hardest people to teach. I teaching teachers is a lot like teaching younger learners.
         1.Five levels of students  engagement.
           2.Measuring classroom engagement.
           3.Seven ways to increase student engagement.
Then I read some questions in the subject contemporary India and education. Then I learnt some information about the IMPROVEMENT IN FOOD RESOURCES. Improvement in crop yields. I share information about that,
            Plants that are cultivated in farms and harvested for food are called crops.There are a large variety of crops.Hear are some example:
Crops grown for cereals: Rice,Wheat,Maize,Millet.
Crops grown for pulses: Pea,Green gram, Blackgram.
Crops grown for oilseeds: Groundnut,sunflower,Mustard,
Crops grown for animal fodder:
Oats,Sudan grass,Elephant grass,Alfalfa.Then I learnt common factors for crop improvement.The factors they are Higher yield, Improved  Quality, Biotic and abiotic resistance, Change in maturity pattern, Wider Adaptability, Desirable agronomic characters.Then some improved varieties of crops and fruits they are Fodder crop, Paddy, Wheat, Baby corn, Maize, Sunflower, Mango, Grapes. Then I learn about Nutrient management and Uses of manure and Fertilisers.


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