Today I read some questions in the subject Gender, school and society then I read some questions in the subject language across the curriculum. Then today Happy National science day.
Today in my class I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching and then I read some questions in the subject contemporary India and education. Then I learnt how to make it the fixed table. Then I learnt about surya namaskar benefits and yoga. And then that benefits and steps follows in the figures.
Heron's Formula Hero of Alexandra was a great mathematician who derived the formula for the calculation of the area of a triangle using the length of all three sides. This derived formula is called as Heron’s formula . He also extended this idea to find the area of quadrilaterals and also higher order polygons. Derivation of Heron’s formula:
Parallel Lines Lines that lie in the same plane and do not meet one another are said to be parallel lines . In the accompanying diagram, the line AB is parallel to the line CD . This is indicated by the similar arrows. Drawing Parallel Lines A ruler and set square can be used to draw parallel lines as described below. Step 1: Position an edge of the set square against a ruler and draw a line along one of the other edges. Step 2: Slide the set square into a new position while keeping the ruler fixed exactly at the same position. Step 3: Draw a line along the same edge that was used in Step 1.
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