
Today the first hours is knowledge and curriculum I learnt about the Plato and ability based education , Plato(429-347 B.C),
The well known Greek philosopher was a disciple of Socrates(470-399). Aristotle (386-322 B.C) was Plato's disciple. These three philosopher were the pioneers of western philosophical thought and culture.plato famous books was The republic,The laws,Protogoras,symposium.
Plato's books are in the form of Dialogue and he did not make any reference about himself in his books and also I learnt he aim of education, curriculum,teaching methods,and role of teacher.And the next hour is pedagogy I wrote the test.And their hour is yoga health and physical education I read some questions.The next hour is creating an inclusive school I wrote the test that topic was types of learning disability and the approaches for learning disability.And then next hour take the seminar for the yoga subject that topic was effect of physical exercise for system of body.And next iam going to play.


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