The following postulates provide the basis for development of an innovative student-centered curriculum: (1) A curriculum must be defined in terms of the students' educational needs; (2) for the majority of students, occupational goals require less than a bachelor's degree; (3) a curriculum must be defined in terms of the psychological structure and educational experiences of students; (4) learning of the concrete must precede learning of the abstract; (5) learning can be maximized by controlling the sequence towards some goal, locating the student in that sequence, and combining sequences that are psychologically similar; and (6) learning is most meaningful when a person learns through interaction with his environment. To construct a student-centered curriculum, the curriculum must be vocationalized, it must be developed and analyzed sequentially on the basis of behavioral objectives and psychological characteristics, individuals should be simultaneously instructed when they are at the same point in the same sequence, and the learning environment should be structured to maximize the probability of learning through participation


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