
Showing posts from February, 2018

Today in my class

Today I read some questions in the subject Gender, school and society then I read some questions in the subject language across the curriculum. Then today Happy National  science day.

Today's class

Today in my class I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching and then I read some questions in the subject contemporary India and education. Then in my childhood mam telling one story. Then I am going to play the game.

Today's class

Today in my class I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching and then I read some questions in the subject contemporary India and education. Then I learnt how to make it the fixed table. Then I learnt about surya namaskar benefits and yoga. And then that benefits and steps follows in the figures.

Today's experience

Today in my class is very boring. In the pedagogy hour I read some questions. Then I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching. And then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education, the question was Golbalization . Then I read some questions in the subject childhood and growing up. Then I am going to play the game that game is carom board. I share qouts, " your future is created by what you do today , not tomorrow .  - ROBERT KIYOSAKI .             

Today in my class experience

Today in the pedagogy hour I am taking the mini teaching the topic was THEORY OF   SETS , that experience is very nice but I am very fearness in teaching. Then I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching, the question was HEALTHY CLASSROOM   MANAGEMENT   AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT . Then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education. Then I learnt some information about AIR POLLUTION .

Today's experience

In the major hour I learnt some information about the mensuration. Then I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching. And then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education the question was  VIEWS OF GREAT THINKERS .  1.Rabindranath Tagor. 2.Mahatma Gandhi . Then I learnt some information about the MOVEMENT OF ANIMALS   such as the Fish, Earthworms, Snake, Birds. I share about that Fishes live only in water . Most fishes swim by waving their tails from side to side (e g . Tun ny fish ). When these fishes swim, they move up and down. Then Earthworms move with the help of body muscles (both circular and longitudinal muscles) and satae. The earthworm moves at the rate of 25c m per minute. The Earthworms can move on a smooth and hard surface like glass by using mucus for adhesion as the setae cannot anchor to the substratum. Then about the snake this S-Shaped movement , known as undulatory locomotion, is used by many snakes on land and ...

Today's experience

Today I learnt some information about Matrix. Then I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching, the question was Strategies for improving student engagement in learning. So I share information about that,you have probably heard that teachers are the hardest people to teach. I teaching teachers is a lot like teaching younger learners.          1.Five levels of students  engagement.            2.Measuring classroom engagement.            3.Seven ways to increase student engagement. Then I read some questions in the subject contemporary India and education. Then I learnt some information about the IMPROVEMENT IN FOOD RESOURCES . Improvement in crop yields. I share information about that,             Plants that are cultivated in farms and harvested for food are called crops.There ar...

Today's experience

Today in my class I learnt some information about the measurement. Then I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching, the question was INTER -PERSONAL APPROACH IN CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT. Then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education, the question was LANGUAGE POLICY AS SPECIFIED IN INDI AN CONSTITUTION. so I share information about that, REGIONAL LANGUAGES,              Article 347. Special provision relating to language spoken by a section of the population of a state. LANGUAGE OF THE SUPREME COURT, HIGH COURT, etc .              A rticle 348  and  Article 349 SPECIAL DIRECTIVES,              Article 350 and             Article 350 A. Facilities for instruction in mother tongue at the primary stage.  ...

Today's experience

Today in my class I learnt some information about mensuration. Then I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching. Then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education, the question was language policy as specified in Indian constitution. Then in my class I learnt some information about Input device. Then I learnt new  information about C R I that means Computer Related Injuries. In the present world more time spend in the computer, smart phone, etc... because mostly affected by eye for that. I share recant news for CRI ,        NH S Computer problems could be to blame fo r 'hundreds of deaths' , academics claim.        ' we think there are 100 to 900 computer -related deaths per year and we think that is a big underestimate .'

Today's experience

Today in my class I learnt some information about probability. Then  I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching, the question was NEED FOR MAINTAINING TEACHER STUDENT RELATIONSHIP so I share information about that,     1.The teacher student relationship is very important for children. Children spend approximately 5 to 6 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months.      2.According to the JONES, "student disruptions will occur frequently in classes that are poorly organized and managed where students are not provided with appropriate and interesting instructional tasks " . FIVE THINGS STUDENT EXPECT FROM THEIR TEACHER:       1.Moments of wonder.       2.Understanding of their world.       3.Mutual trust.       4.A bit of humour.       5.A lively environment. And then I wrote test in the subject contemporar...

Today's experience

Today in my class I learnt some information about probability. Then I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching the question was students -teacher relationship. And then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education the question was Education and language policy of post independence in India. Then, in my class I learnt some information about Digestion system. And then I read some questions in the subject language across the curriculum. Then I am going to play the ground.

Today's experience

Today in my class I learnt some information about the ALGEBRA because in my classmate taking the seminar the topic was algebra using with OHP PROJECTOR  and  VISUALIZER .Then I read some questions in the subject learning and teaching. Then I wrote test in the contemporary India and education, the question was FUNDING SYSTEM OF  EDUCATION. And then I read some questions in the subject childhood and growing up. Then I read some questions in the subject understanding discipline and subject. Then in my class I learnt some information about the GENDER IN MEDIA and SAFETY OF GIRLS AND WOMEN AT  SCHOOL, HOME and WORK PLACE. SOME TIPS SAFETY  FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN  ,           1.Awareness.           2.Use your sixth sense.           3.Self-defense training.           4. Escape. ...

Today's experience

Today in my classmate taking the seminar, the topic was coordination geometry and real number system so I learnt information about that. Then I read some questions in the subject  learning and teaching. And then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education, the question was 10th, 11th &12th five years plan. Then I read some questions in the subject childhood and growing up. In the last hour I am going to the library so I share some news about PLANETS OF  TRAPPIST -1,            TRAPPIST -1 also designed as 2 mass J23062928-0502285 [6] is an ultra cool red dwarf star [7][8] that is slightly larger but much more massive than the planet JUPITER, LOCATED 39.6 LIGHT  YEARS (12.1pc) from the sun in the constellation aquarices [9][10]. seven temperate terrestrial plants have been detected orbiting the STAR,larger number than detected in any other planetary system [11][12].A study released in may 2017 sugges...

Today's experience

Today in my classmate taking the mini teac hing the topic was trigonometry, so I learnt information about that. Then I my class I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching, the question was Advant age of learning out side the classroom . And then I wrote test in the subject contemporary India and education, the question was 8TH &9 TH  five year plan . Then next class in my classmate taking seminar the subject Gender , school  and society I learnt information about mass media and gender.

Today's experience

Today in my class I wrote test in the subject learning and teaching,the question was approaches to learning outside the classroom. And then I wrote test in the subject  contemporary India and education, the question was 5th, 6th &7th five years plan. Then, the subject  childhood and growing up group discussion about case study and interview. And then I read some questions in the language across the curriculum.

Today's experience

Today in my class I learnt some information about ALGEBRA. I share some information about algebra author DIOPHA N TUS (200 to 284 A.D  or 214 to 298 A.D). He is known for having written arithmetica,  a treatise that was originally thirteen books but of which only the first six have survived. Arithmetica has very little in common with traditional GREEK MATHE M ATICS   since it is divorced from geometric methods, and it is different from BABYL O NIAN mathematics in that DIO PHANTUS is concerned primarily with exact solutions, both determinate and indeterminate, instead of simple approximations.

Today experience

Today I learnt information about the GEORG CANTOR mathematican . I share some information about GEORGE  CA NTOR .     The basic ideas of set theory were developed by the GERMAN  MATHEMATICI AN  George cantor (1845-1918).      He worked on certain kinds of infinite series particularly on fourier series. Then,I wrote the SW OD theo ry .  

Today's experience

Today major hour l learn construction of achievement  test. Learning and teaching hour l wrote the test.Then the contemporary hour I wrote the test in 3rd & 4th five year plan. In Childhood hour I learn new one that is how to remember what you have studied and short time preparation for  exam . Then I read understanding subject. Then I read gender subject.